Published on March 8, 2022 Updated on March 19, 2025

LL.M. Taxation Law, Business Law and Compliance

LL.M. Taxation Law, Business Law and Compliance


The LL.M. in French and European Union Law, specialization in Taxation Law, Business Law & Compliance is a highly selective program that will strengthen your capabilities to work in an international business environment. Read more

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Contact Master 2

LL.M. Director:

LL.M. program administrator:
Laurina FEUREGARD | Office C349


réunion de travail avec des hommes et femmes dans une salle de réunion
réunion de travail avec des hommes et femmes dans une salle de réunion
Nature du diplôme :
Master of Laws (LL.M.) and/or University Diploma
Année de sortie :
Durée des études :
1 year
Lieu d'enseignement :
Building Chênes 1 - CY Cergy Paris University
Accessible en :
- Specialized LLM



FULL LL.M. delivered by Cergy Paris Université (CYU)
JOINT LL.M. delivered jointly by Cergy Paris Université and University of Dundee (UOD)


Deadline to apply for 2025-2026:
  • Full or Joint LL.M. application starting in September 2025 : Deadline June 30, 2025
  • Full or Joint LL.M. application starting in January 2025 : Deadline September 30, 2025

The LL.M. in French and European Union Law, specialization in Taxation Law, Business Law & Compliance is a highly selective program that will strengthen your capabilities to work in an international business environment.

For further information on accessing the legal profession in France, clic here :

This program is entirely taught in English and offers a unique opportunity for non-native French speakers to study French and European taxation and business law.

Classes and seminars are held by both academics and  practitioners experts in their areas of practice.


After successful completion of the program, students holding a Juris Doctor (JD), a LL.B. (4 years) or an equivalent recognized qualification in Legal Studies will be awarded both the specialized LL.M University Degree and a national Masters degree.

Students and professionals without a recognized qualification in Law will be awarded the specialized LLM University Degree.

We strongly recommend to read the detailed presentation Full LL.M and the step by step guide Full LL.M. before applying to our LL.M./Master program !

The English language requirements guide

Full LL.M program: Organization

Duration and Calendar:
The duration of the program is 2 semesters (1 year).


  • The Fall semester starts in September. Exams will take place in December.
  • The Spring semester starts in January. Exams will take place in April.
  • The academic calendar changes from one year to another.
  • Students must be in France and participate in the pre-LL.M. meeting at least one week before the start of the semester

Classes and seminars:

All classes, lectures, seminars and conferences are compulsory. Unjustified absence and non-compliance with internal rules will lead to dismissal from the course and result in a failing grade.

Most classes combine both a theoretic and a practical approach.

  • Students will have to prepare personal work and assignments for each seminar. Personal work and participation are an important component of their evaluation
  • Conferences on specific themes led by specialists or international lecturers may be organized during the seminars
Dual LL.M. French & European Union Law taught in English (CY) / International Commercial Law (UOD)

Dual LLM:
The dual LL.M. program is an exciting venture which brings together two dynamic and highly rated law schools: the CY Cergy Paris Université (CYU) and the University of Dundee (UOD). The Dual LL.M. program is a one year program.

  • Students spend their one semester at CYU and one semester at UOD
  • Students are taught  by acknowledged experts and gain an in depth knowledge of a wide range of contemporary law subjects from both a common law and a civil law perspective. 

Successful candidates will graduate with an LL.M. in International Commercial Law from UOD and an LL.M. in French and European Union Law, specialization Taxation Law, Business Law and Compliance from CYU.

Candidates will benefit from the rates applied by CYU.

LL.M. Director and Office

LL.M. Director

  • Professor Roxana FAMILY - Directrice de la Chaire et du Master Droit et Ethique des affaires, Directrice du LL.M. in Taxation, Business Law and Compliance

LL.M. program administrator



Prerequisites for enrolment

Master 1

Target audience

Who can apply ?

Applicants are required to hold a recognized Law degree with at least 4 years of studies in the higher education or the required number of years to seek admission to the Bar exam.
JD or LL.B. holders can seek equivalence towards a National Master Degree.

Applicants enrolled in their last year of JD or LL.B can also follow the LL.M. program as part of their JD or LL.B. programs and transfer credits towards their degrees in their home institution.
Applicants without a recognized qualification in Law but willing to gain a deep knowledge of Law can be admitted to the program through a University Degree.
Unless approval by the LL.M. Director, or specific cooperation agreement with partner universities, the LL.M. is not open to exchange students from partner universities.

Applicants whose native language is not English must provide original test scores for one of the English proficiency tests in the English Language requirement guide.

The application form can be downloaded from February 1 and is required to be returned to the LL.M Office by June 30 of the same year.


Conditions of applications

How to apply ?

We recommend very strongly the reading of the step by step guides for the Full and Dual LL.M. programs as they contain all useful information regarding visa, housing and administrative procedures.

The School of Law can not be held responsible for students whom do not pay careful attention to the information and the steps contained in the guide.
  • The Application Form for the Full LL.M. : here
  • The Application Form for the Dual LL.M. : here
Applications and a copy of all the required documents should be sent via email to the following address :
All files must be named accurately according to their content and must be submitted in Word or PDF format only.
Applicants must ensure that their application is complete and that the electronic documents they submit are of excellent quality. The selection committee will not review incomplete or poor quality materials.


Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

Selecting terms:
The selection is competitive and based on an examination of the applications.

Entry to the LL.M./Master is restricted to applicants with the requisite level of honors, equivalent grades, class ranks or transcripts.
  • The level of the English language and the applicant’s motivation are important criteria.
  • The application Committee strives to make a decision within three to six weeks after a completed application is received. Students are encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible.
  • Selected students will receive an admission letter by email. Upon reception of the admission letter, applicants  have 30 days to pay 800 euros. This amount will be deduced from the total amount of the tuition fees.
  • Upon reception of the proof of payment of 800 euros, students will be sent an invitation letter to apply for their visa.
Except in case of force majeure, students  who are absent at the beginning of the academic year or during the semester without informing the Program Director are considered as having abandoned the program and are not subject to refund of the tuition fees and will have to return their student cards.
LL.M. program scholarship
The LL.M. program offers scholarships based on merit and excellency to outstanding applicants. 

Applicants must request the scholarship at the time of application and submit a separate detailed personal statement to the attention of the Selection Committee.
The Selection Committee will consider applications for the LL.M. program only once: for admission to the program and for admission to the scholarship.
Scholarship applications submitted after the Selection Committee has made its decision will be considered late and will be automatically rejected.

Please send your application together with the required documents to : before June 30, 2025.

For more information regarding Eiffel scholarship :

Learn more: 

Eiffel scholarship 2025-2026:

In order to apply to this scholarship, candidates must send the request to the above email address before November 30, 2024 :



FULL LL.M Program - Courses and seminars:
  • All classes, lectures, seminars and conferences are compulsory.
  • The classes may combine both a theoretic and a practical approach. Students will have to prepare personal work and assignments for each seminar. Personal work and participation are an important component of the classes.
  • Conferences on specific themes led by specialists or international lecturers may be organized during the seminars.

Study Program 1st Semester:
  • Introduction to French and European Union Law
  • Introduction to the European Union Law
  • French and EU Law
    - Tort Law
    - Criminal Law and Procedure
    - Contract Law
    - Environmental Law
    - French Language
  • Specialization in Taxation Law, Business Law and Compliance
    - Corporate Governance & Compliance
    - Company Law
    - Intellectual Property
    - International Commercial Law
Study Program 2nd Semester:
  •   French and EU Law
    - Business and Human Rights in Europe
    - European Union Law
    - Labor Law
    - Antitrust & Competition Law
    - French Language (CLF)
  • Specialization in Taxation Law, Business Law and Compliance
    - Corporate Governance & Compliance II
    - Taxation Law
    - Litigation & Arbitration
    - Capital Market & Banking
  • Research Unit
    - Dissertation
Click here to download the program template



The joint LL.M. program is an exciting new venture which brings together two dynamic and highly rated law schools: the CY Cergy Paris Université and the University of Dundee, Scotland (UOD).

Students spend their first semester at CY and their second semester at UOD (total duration 1 year) Students are taught by acknowledged experts and gain an in depth knowledge of a wide range of contemporary law subjects from both a common law and a civil law perspective.

Successful candidates will graduate with an LL.M. in International Commercial Law from UOD and an LL.M. in French and European Union Law, specialization Taxation Law, Business Law and Compliance from CY.

Candidates will benefit from the rates applied by CYU.

Teaching body (subject to change) :
  • Elina ALEYNIKOVA, Associate, International Arbitration, White & Case LLP
  • Aissata DIALLO-MERICO, Senior Risk & Compliance Consultant at Accenture
  • Thomas AILLIOT, CIPP/E - DPO - Data protection - Data privacy and GDPR expert, BNP Paribas Cardif
  • Benoît BAILLY, Partner, CMS Francis Lefebvre
  • Haroun BOUCHETA, Associate Professor CY School of law, Head of Public Affairs, BNP Paribas
  • Patrick CLAIRZIER, Associate Professor CY School of law, former consultant, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
  • Roxana FAMILY, Chair of Law and Business Ethics, Director of the LL.M. Program, CY School of Law
  • Mehdi SI DJELLOUL,Associate, Litigation, ESG, Anti-Corruption & Internal Investigations departments, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP | Admitted to the New York and Paris Bar 
  • Tolu OBAMUROH , Associate, International Arbitration, White & Case LLP         
  • Paul FIORELLI, Co-Director, Cintas Institute for Business Ethics and Professor of Legal Studies at Xavier University
  • Bianca LOHMANN, Lawyer and Associate Professor
  • Laurence BENHAMOU, Attorney at Law
  • Patrick O'MALLEY, Assistant law professor, University of Navarra
  • Natasha PETER, Counsel, Gide, Loyrette, Nouel
  • Francesca MARINELLI, Professor, University of Milan
  • Maria-Theresa  CARINCI, Professor, University of Milan
  • Benjamin REMY, Professor CY School of Law
  • Annabel RIDEAU, Associate Professor CY School of Law, Attorney at Law
  • Orianne RIVAUD, Antitrust Counsel, EDF
  • Aurelie CERQUEIRA, Antitrust Counsel, LOREAL
  • Marion SERANNE,Associate at Squire Patton Boggs
  • Solène SFOGGIA  Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright LLP


Internships are not mandatory to complete the LL.M. in French and European Union Law, specialization in Taxation Law, Business Law and Compliance.
Students may undertake an internship at the end of the spring semester (approximately the end of April) until September 30.

Here you can find some interesting internship opportunities :


Full time

Duration and Calendar

The duration of the program is 2 semesters (1 year).

Calendar :
  • The Fall semester starts in September. Exams will take place in December.
  • The Spring semester starts in January. Exams will take place in April.
Students must be in France and participate in the pre-LL.M. meeting at least one week before the start of the semester.

Classes and seminars

All classes, lectures, seminars and conferences are compulsory. Unjustified absence and non-compliance with internal rules will lead to dismissal from the course and result in a failing grade.
Most classes combine both a theoretic and a practical approach.
  • Students will have to prepare personal work and assignments for each seminar. Personal work and participation are an important component of their evaluation
  • Conferences on specific themes led by specialists or international lecturers may be organized during the seminars

Degree conditions:

The final grade for each class is obtained based on :
  • a final exam
  • and/or participation, home and class assignments during the semester
To validate one semester, students must achieve at least an average grade of 10 points out of 20.

To complete the degree, students must achieve at least an average grade of 10 points out of 20 for each semester.
  • To validate one semester, students must complete 30 credits (ECTS)
  • To complete the degree, students must complete 60 credits (ECTS)



Full LLM Tuition fees 2025/2026 :
  • 7.500 € Non-EU applicants
  • 7.000 € EU applicants
Dual LLM tuition fees 2025/2026:
  • 12.500 € Non-EU applicants
  • 12.000 € EU applicants
  • University registration fees : around 250 € paid prior to students’ arrival by internet
  • Student and Campus life contribution-CVEC paid upfront by credit card at the registration office: 103 € (2024/2025)
  • Students have automatically access to student health insurance upon finalization of their registration without further payment
  • French language courses (compulsory to be paid upfront to the French language center upon arrival): 80 €/semester or 160 €/year (2024/2025)