International students association

ELSA The European Law Students' Association

We all know how hard it can be to go to a foreign country and leave everything behind you.
Maybe you’ve never been to. Maybe you don’t speak the language. Maybe it is your first time living alone. It is a real challenge, a challenge that can be stressful and worrying. We don’t want you to be in that kind of situation because an exchange should be all about meeting new people, getting to know more about the culture, learning new things and most of all having fun.

The ELSA association is here to help you embracing your exchange. ELSA put in place a buddy system so you’re not alone when you move. Having a buddy is nothing but a guide, a translator sometimes, and most importantly a friend. Your buddy will be here from the airport and train station from your moving back your country. He/she will stick around for any questions, any help or just be here as an human presence when you feel lonely. You can contact your buddy for any information which concerns everyday life — advice to choose your subjects, accommodation, transports, in a nutshell everything you are not familiar with.

ELSA has just opened a brand new group at the CY School of Law. Founded in 1981, ELSA has over the years become a network of 50,000 members, students and young lawyers, throughout more than 375 universities and 43 countries. In addition to its status as an NGO, ELSA also has a consultative status in some United Nations bodies and in the Council of Europe.

During you stay, the ELSA association will offer you opportunities to improve your knowledge about the country you are in, such as cultural or linguistic events like pleadings, debates, conferences, workshops, visits of French institutions, discovery of monuments and heritage, promotion of Erasmus exchanges, welcoming the International students. Just to highlight some of our events, ELSA organized for the students to visit he Constitutional Council alongside with the Louis Vuitton Foundation.

 ELSA and buddies have nothing but one goal: making you appreciate your exchange as much as possible!



Adresse : CY Cergy Paris Université
Tour des Chênes - 2nd floor, Room 208
33 boulevard du Port 95011 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex

Accueil Erasmus 2019
Accueil Erasmus 2019